Old Skool

femton/sexton år! känns som igår.
B Eyes - Touch

And there is nothing more I want than just one night
That's free of doubt and sadnessOne night that I can really feel
No lies
When Justin spoke very plainly
He said "Of course it's your decision,
But just so you know,
If you decide to leave,
Soon I will follow"
He said "Of course it's your decision,
But just so you know,
If you decide to leave,
Soon I will follow"

Love is when you dont want to sleep, because your reality is better then your dreams
One for you, one for me

Who Found Who's Hair In Who's Bed?

Feb 16th
Playlist: theFINEST
Jag har världens finaste vänner.

I've been walking around all day, thinking
I think i have a problem, i think i think too much
I think i have a problem, i think i think too much




It was cold. Your hands were shaking, and I stepped in front of you just to wrap my arms around you as I said, “Let’s pretend winter isn’t here.” As you buried your head in my shoulder, you said, “Let’s pretend the snow isn’t the only thing falling fast.
Complete and total adoration,
My gift to you, my heart was yours,
In ten weeks you shaped it,
In one night you murdered it.
Torn from my chest and laid at your feet,
That first step you took was the worst.
Since then you've walked a thousand miles in solace and short remark,
And I still have these memories,
But we'll never see what we could have been.
Remember when we talked about where we'd be a year from now?
Remember when you held my hand like you'd never let it go?
Remember, cause that's all you can do.
We'll never make another memory,
We'll never make another memory.
I wish I'd have died in your arms the last time we were together,
So I wouldn't have to wake without you today.
This time I thought things were real,
You said they were,
What happened?
You were a priority,
Was I an option?
I let you see a side of me that I don't share with anyone.
Promises are just words unless they are fulfilled.
Knew from the beginning all I had to offer you was my heart,
I'm sorry that it wasn't enough.
So, we'll go our own ways,
And hopefully you'll remember the things I've told you,
Hopefully you'll understand that everything I said was in sincerity.
A broken heart is not what I wanted from this,
But I guess I've learned from it.
But aren't you supposed to learn from your mistakes?
I don't consider this a mistake,
I just wish the story didn't end this way,
Cause I'm still in love with the person who helped me write it.
Remember when you held my hand like you'd never let it go?
Remember when we talked about where we'd be a year from now?
My gift to you, my heart was yours,
In ten weeks you shaped it,
In one night you murdered it.
Torn from my chest and laid at your feet,
That first step you took was the worst.
Since then you've walked a thousand miles in solace and short remark,
And I still have these memories,
But we'll never see what we could have been.
Remember when we talked about where we'd be a year from now?
Remember when you held my hand like you'd never let it go?
Remember, cause that's all you can do.
We'll never make another memory,
We'll never make another memory.
I wish I'd have died in your arms the last time we were together,
So I wouldn't have to wake without you today.
This time I thought things were real,
You said they were,
What happened?
You were a priority,
Was I an option?
I let you see a side of me that I don't share with anyone.
Promises are just words unless they are fulfilled.
Knew from the beginning all I had to offer you was my heart,
I'm sorry that it wasn't enough.
So, we'll go our own ways,
And hopefully you'll remember the things I've told you,
Hopefully you'll understand that everything I said was in sincerity.
A broken heart is not what I wanted from this,
But I guess I've learned from it.
But aren't you supposed to learn from your mistakes?
I don't consider this a mistake,
I just wish the story didn't end this way,
Cause I'm still in love with the person who helped me write it.
Remember when you held my hand like you'd never let it go?
Remember when we talked about where we'd be a year from now?

knowing is better than wondering
head on
The only way to get rid of a shadow, is to turn off the light. To stop running from the darkness, and face what you fear. Head on.
Maybe we like the pain. Maybe we’re wired that way. Because without it, I don’t know, maybe we just wouldn’t feel real. What’s that saying? Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop.

When I like somebody I make sure they know it. Life’s too short to live any other way.
iz and alex

numbero 2


"Men då sa Jonatan att det fanns saker som man måste göra, även om det var farligt. 'Varför då', undrade jag. 'Annars är man ingen människa utan bara en liten lort', sa Jonatan."
I want a lover I don't have to love, I want a boy who's so drunk he doesn't talk. Where's the kid with the chemicals?
I got a hunger and I can't seem to get full. I need some meaning I can memorize. The kind I have always seems to slip my mind. But you but you, you write such pretty words. But life's no story book. Love's an excuse to get hurt and to hurt.
I got a hunger and I can't seem to get full. I need some meaning I can memorize. The kind I have always seems to slip my mind. But you but you, you write such pretty words. But life's no story book. Love's an excuse to get hurt and to hurt.
"Do you like to hurt?"
"I do! I do!"
"Then hurt me."
"I do! I do!"
"Then hurt me."

Your mind went dark. 4år utan dig! jag saknar dig, varje dag.
Loved You.
Tunisien. Miss

You’re probably right, maybe I should run. But I’d rather be running towards someone than running away
There's a dream in my brain that just won't go away.

Rhodos. Miss.
IZZIE: "We need to talk."
ALEX: "Why?"
IZZIE: "You kissed me."
ALEX: "Yes, I did."
IZZIE: "Should we... I mean, there's a discussion that we could have... if you wanted to have one?"
ALEX: "Look. Izzie. I kissed you, with tongue, and I plan to do it again and again. So get used to it. End of discussion.
IZZIE: [blushes] "Okay."

Hey, listen. For a kiss to be really good, you want it to mean something… to be with someone you can’t get out of your head, so that when your lips finally touch you feel it everywhere… a kiss so hot and so deep that you never want to come up for air. You can’t cheat your first kiss. You don’t want to. Trust me. When you find that right person for a first kiss, it’s everything.
Guilt never goes anywhere on its own, it brings its friends - doubt and insecurity.
Life is short, George. Life is short and it sucks a lot of the time. But if being with Callie makes you happy, then go be with Callie.
She’s tough. She tries to hide it. She’s difficult. But if you make an effort, she’s worth it. She’s worth the effort.
I want to marry you. I want to have kids with you. I want to build us a house. I want to settle down and grow old with you. I want to die when I’m 110 years old, in your arms. I don’t want 48 uninterrupted hours. I want a lifetime.

